We Proudly Support These Made in the U.S.A Products and Services

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How Our Company Almost Got Cancelled

We are a small family business where Mark Zuckerberg, Tobias Lutke, and Dan Schulman used their weaponized platforms to CANCEL our American Flag-making business. They only failed because NEWSMAX & FOX NEWS exposed the dirty tactics these three massive Big Tech companies have used to CANCEL our company and destroy our family's American Dream!

Our Custom American Flags

Egard, a Company With Values

Forged as a tribute to the bond between a son and his father, Égard produces exceptional timepieces that do more than tell time — they capture moments.

egard watch

The Conservative Watchdog for Corporate Activism

Educating consumers to make informed decisions that align their dollars with their values, empowering them to impact corporate/organization activism.
2ndVote’s mission is to stop companies and organizations from funding the attack on traditional American values. Your first vote is cast at the ballot box, hoping to make a difference. Your second vote is in the checkout line. Corporations use a portion of the money you spend to fund a number of causes, many of which are harming our families, our communities and our future. With 2ndVote, you become an informed consumer who knows how your money is used after it is spent.

Protecting Those Who Protect Us

Project K-9 Hero is a national nonprofit 501c3 organization, whose mission is to provide medical care, food, and death benefit assistance for our nation’s retired Police K-9s and Military Working Dogs. Project K-9 Hero also helps K-9s who need a home after their service, through rehabilitation and adoption. Project K-9 Hero, is dedicated to “Protecting Those Who Protected Us,” by spreading awareness and educating the public. 

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Freedom Square

A Digital Commonwealth for freedom-loving Americans to access News & Information, Podcasts, Interactive Forums, A Business Directory, an E-Commerce, Freedom Marketplace & Resource Center.

Cutting Edge Firewood

When you’re using Cutting Edge Firewood, you’ll notice the difference before you even strike a match. We offer firewood, smoking wood and wood for pizza ovens in a wide variety of species and specialty sizes.

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